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A Night of PURE Terror raised £13,000 for White Lodge Centre!

Saturday 27th October ‘18 saw Pure Hair host their annual charity fundraiser, a ‘hair-raising’ Halloween Party at Windlesham Golf Club in aid of White Lodge Centre in Chertsey.

Dubbed a ‘Night of PURE Terror’ …it was always going to be one HELL of a night!

Windlesham Golf Club was transformed, with a dramatically spooky entrance, giant spider and cobwebbed gates, guests were granted entrance by a terrifying ghoul before navigating their way through a maze of creepy corridors and scary characters before being greeted by the Pure Hair team and White Lodge Centre volunteers.

140 guests went all out with some of the scariest costumes and make up, an incredible effort made by all.

The evening commenced with a speech from White Lodge Centre’s CEO Lesley Robbins who championed the ‘impact the White Lodge Centre has on the community, not just at the centre itself but the impact they make on the families of the young people who attend’. Pure Hair Managing Director Val Hunt explained why Pure Hair go to such great lengths to throw legendary parties, ‘raising money for a local cause should be a tonne of fun, if we can put on THE best party and leave our guests wanting more they will always come back, and we will always raise more money in the future. We LOVE a party!’. Pure Hair’s events are cost neutral, costs are covered by the salon and good friend and White Lodge Patron Ray Phillpot. Every penny goes to charity.

The aim of the evening was of course to raise vital funds for White Lodge, with so many fabulous prizes in Sweeny Todd’s auction up for grabs: a two week holiday in Portugal, an indulgent Spa Day for two at The Dorchester’s Coworth Park to name just a couple - guests took home fabulous prizes at cut-throat prices. Finally, the Joker’s Draw, where guests picked a card for the chance to win an iPad.

Food was served but everyone was keen to get to the dance floor! The party started with “killer” tunes to the theme of Ghost Busters and as the room filled with low lying fog to create an atmosphere of terror guests danced the night away.

12 friends even did a final lap of the dance floor in their home made roller coaster ghost train, midnight chimed but who wanted to leave?

At 1:00am carriages collected the ghosts and ghouls. £13,105 raised, a fabulous evening had by all with more guests left feeling connected to White Lodge Centre and their amazing work.

How will Pure Hair top this terrifying spectacle? …you’ll have to wait and see!


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